
We in =THE PHENOMENAUTS= love freedom for all of =Earths= people.
That means total equality. Help us fight for freedom.
As you know, the (state) legislature approved gender-neutral marriage in California this week. Please help show your support so the Governor does not veto the bill!!
If you are a freedom loving =American=,
Call 1.916.445.2841 NOW; its the Governors Office
Once you call, press 2
Then press 1
Then press 1 again, and your vote to support it will be recorded!
Science, Honor, and Freedom for ALL =Americans=
=Angel Nova=


Anonymous said...

done....how can you not support something like this?

Anonymous said...

Im sorry to say but he has vetoed it. Sad to say it was just one fight no matter how hard we all tried, couldn't win.

Anonymous said...

i tried to vote but then they were like Thank you for calling the governor's office, goodbye. legislature is totally closed, it's too late