
Stellar Holidays Deals!

Phenomenauts records make great gifts, at least for your awesome friends who appreciate awesome things. For a very limited time we have some special package deals so you can get your holiday shopping done extra cheap.

Deal #1: The Phenomenauts: Space-Traveler Cadet Starter Pack!

A $40 value, only $25!

Deal #2: Springman Records Compilation Love Pack!

Eight CDs and a shirt! A $29 value for only $12!

Buy lots, we really need your money. People will like you more if you give them these CDs, then they'll be obligated to bake you cookies and introduce you to their hot friends.

And check out the other great records and deals at SpringmanRecords.com, our other bands kick ass too! As a brave cadet, chances are that you'll especially enjoy The Teenage Harlets, Big D And The Kids Table, and Pain! Free MP3s are listed with each release.

Thank you for all your support.

Science And Honor,
Springman Records


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You have new Picture Mail!

You are not jacking on in there are you?


You have new Picture Mail!

Orbit waits for up to stop back by The Command Center.


You have new Picture Mail!


You have new Picture Mail!

Dont worry kids. There is no such thing.

You have new Picture Mail!

Everything I see reminds me of her.

You have new Picture Mail!

We love Portland.

You have new Picture Mail!

You have new Picture Mail!

The professor of karaoke? YES!


You have new Picture Mail!

That cool is for children JoeBot.

You have new Picture Mail!

Keep your space oil clean and fresh

You have new Picture Mail!

Weve got games. Thanks cadets.


You have new Picture Mail!

Be nice to Angel Nova. He has a messed up back.
