
EARTH DAY linkdump!!!

Happy Earth Day Cadets!

Here's some Earth-related science & tech news we'd love to share...why? Coz Earth is the best of course!

= Goldilocks Tyrannosaur Fossil Found (right here on Earth!)

= Does the Disney documentary "Earth" live up to its name?
(As in, is it the best?)

= Astronomers find exoplanet closer to the size of...you guessed it...EARTH!

= How cool is "Blood Falls"????
(hint...it's on Earth. So it must be pretty effing cool)

= Farm Sanctuary celebrates Earth Day with a special challenge...

Science & Honor,



EPISODE 3: "Neptune City / Compensation / Gravity"
Live at El Corazon, Seattle WA, March 14, 2009.

EPISODE 3.14: "Earth is the Best (Int'l Pi Day Version)"
Live at El Corazon, Seattle WA, March 14, 2009.

More episodes coming soon!


Science & Space (& Tech) Linkdump

Several new Nanovlog episodes are coming later this week and the next! In the meantime in-between-time here's what's going on in the universe:

= Cosmic Hand Reaches for the Light =

= "Hidden" Planet Discovered =

= Could a virus be used as a more efficient environmentally friendly source of power? =

= This is scary. =

= And finally...I know this is old net news by now, but anyone who hasn't marveled at the musical, technical and internet remixology that is KUTIMAN must do so NOW!!! =

Science & Honor,