While on tour, The Phenomenauts, The Re-Volts & Co. decided to drop by Vancouver BC's famed Science World! Edutainment ensued!
More NANOVLOGs coming soon!
The Phenomenauts
Phenomenauts & Re-Volts have an
Andrew WK dance party
More tour vlogs coming soon!
At long last! =NANOVLOG= episode 4!!!
=AR7's NANOVLOG= EPISODE 4 "Todd & Angel play Chessers"
While on tour in March 2009, Angel Nova & Todd from Maldroid try to stave off boredom by inventing a stupid game. ©2009 PHENOMENAUTS.
Science & Honor!
While on tour in March 2009, Angel Nova & Todd from Maldroid try to stave off boredom by inventing a stupid game. ©2009 PHENOMENAUTS.
Science & Honor!
EARTH DAY linkdump!!!
Happy Earth Day Cadets!
Here's some Earth-related science & tech news we'd love to share...why? Coz Earth is the best of course!
= Goldilocks Tyrannosaur Fossil Found (right here on Earth!)
= Does the Disney documentary "Earth" live up to its name?
(As in, is it the best?)
= Astronomers find exoplanet closer to the size of...you guessed it...EARTH!
= How cool is "Blood Falls"????
(hint...it's on Earth. So it must be pretty effing cool)
= Farm Sanctuary celebrates Earth Day with a special challenge...
Science & Honor,
EPISODE 3: "Neptune City / Compensation / Gravity"
Live at El Corazon, Seattle WA, March 14, 2009.
EPISODE 3.14: "Earth is the Best (Int'l Pi Day Version)"
Live at El Corazon, Seattle WA, March 14, 2009.
More episodes coming soon!
Live at El Corazon, Seattle WA, March 14, 2009.
EPISODE 3.14: "Earth is the Best (Int'l Pi Day Version)"
Live at El Corazon, Seattle WA, March 14, 2009.
More episodes coming soon!
Science & Space (& Tech) Linkdump
Several new Nanovlog episodes are coming later this week and the next! In the meantime in-between-time here's what's going on in the universe:
= Cosmic Hand Reaches for the Light =
= "Hidden" Planet Discovered =
= Could a virus be used as a more efficient environmentally friendly source of power? =
= This is scary. =
= And finally...I know this is old net news by now, but anyone who hasn't marveled at the musical, technical and internet remixology that is KUTIMAN must do so NOW!!! =
Science & Honor,
We went down to Disneyland to surprise our cadets for Cadet Day '09! Here's some high/lowlights. Thanks to everyone for coming!
High-quality version available here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDmtEwf--lc&fmt=18
Episodes 3 & 4 coming soon!
Saturday Science & Space Linkdump
= Presenting Google Mars =
= Station Astronauts Take Shelter From Space Debris =
= Could current Climate Change Be Irreversible? =
= And finally some long overdue good news: America Becoming Less Christian =
=AR7's NANOVLOG= EPISODE ONE: Phenomenauts @ The Stork
Exclusive footage from our *secret* show with Maldroid at The Stork Club in Oakland CA, Thursday Feb 26th.
Science & Honor,
Science & Honor,
Silver Sprocket Interview with =AR7=

What is your full title?
=Alpha Squad Leftenent AR7=
Tell us a little about your programming
I was designed to have the highest level of technology possible so I’m made mostly out of nanites. In fact, I can split into a million pieces and come back together.
You used to play rock and roll for Blammos?
I didn’t, but I’m modeled on a human who plays in the band Blammos.
So they took the most advance human rock and roller to use as the basis for your technology?
They found this guy named Arthur Adams who plays in a band called Blammos, they being Silver Sprocket Labs and Professor Greg of The Phenomenauts, worked together and found this guy, and they modeled me after him.
Have you met him?
No, because I think that might destroy the space time continuum. I look exactly like him, but my abilities far exceed his. And also, I have a metal head.
A few years ago The Phenomenauts had a Theremin playing robot. Am I right to understand that the Theremin is back?
I have a built in Theremin.
Was that installed or did you come with it?
I came with it, standard issue.
We keep upgrading our robots. Are there any cool new programmings or features we should be keeping an eye out for?
Since I am such an advance robot I don’t have a lot of the old robot features, like a robot voice or really mechanical parts. We installed a false robot voice so that people wouldn’t be to alarmed by how human I seem, so we use that effect in the stage show.
My singing voice is modeled on this guy we were talking about before, but amped up to I would say more of a soul-punk kind of scream. That is sort of what my designers were going for.
I am programmed in many forms of booty shaking, and have song writing programming that may be utilized in the future. I don’t have to actually sit down and write the songs, they are always being formed in the cybernetics.
I remember getting the invoice for that, what company was it again? We have so many companies building so many robots, I lose track sometimes.
Was it James Brown LLC Synthetic Laboratories of Paisley Park, MN?
Welcome to the Phenomenauts, we’re glad to have you!
The Phenomenauts in Billboard!
Billboard Magazine asked us about our Top 8 on MySpace. Check out their Jaded Insider blog to find out why we picked you!
Oakland, Calif., certainly can feel like outer-space sometimes, but that city also plays host to a very special cosmically minded troupe, the Phenomenauts. Blending pop-punk, rock 'n' roll and new wave, the fivesome set their eyes on the stars, literally, with loads of space and sci-fi themed tracks like "Make a Circuit with Me," "I Am Robot" and "Galactic Pioneers." The band's fans and the band itself, naturally, rock some mean-lookin' space-inspired duds.
While these galactic rockers may not board an actual spacecraft just yet, their inspiring song "Infinite Frontier" from the latest album "For All Man Kind" scored entry onto NASA's STS-124 shuttle mission to the International Space Station, which launched on Saturday (May 31).
PunkNews.org was also rad enough to post news about us visiting NASA on this last tour:
The Phenomenauts have been invited to shoot their next music video at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston. The video is for the song "Heroes" about the men, women, and animals that lived and died to advance our planet's space program.
The band was honored with a VIP tour of the Space Center last week, which included meetings with astronauts, scientists, and hands-on experience with space station parts and training facilities.
Along with that, which would be pretty incredible in of itself, the band's song "Infinite Frontier" will be brought on board The International Space Station as part of the upcoming STS-124 mission, where it will be played for the crew's first wake up. Wake-up calls are a long-standing tradition of the NASA program. Each day during the mission, flight controllers in the Mission Control Center will greet the crew with an appropriate musical interlude.
The track blends 70's punk with new-wave, asking "All the way from the bottom of the ocean to the upper atmosphere, there are astronomical possibilities, so why should we stop here?" and demands that we "Press onward!"
Update: To be accurate here, NASA headquarters is in Washington DC. The band visited the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center which is one of the organization's centres for human space flight activities.
Cadet-made videos!
Check out these home-made videos from brave cadets across the galaxy!
Captain Anthony's band performing an original song about electricity in Phenomenauts-fashion:
Kevin's band playing The Year 2000:
And finally, a video about how Earth Is The Best from Steven Colbert, who might not be a cadet yet, but should be:
These are great, keep them coming!
Captain Anthony's band performing an original song about electricity in Phenomenauts-fashion:
Kevin's band playing The Year 2000:
And finally, a video about how Earth Is The Best from Steven Colbert, who might not be a cadet yet, but should be:
These are great, keep them coming!
Reviews from Cyber-Space
More good reviews are coming in For All Mankind!

Time to break out your Molly Ringwald posters and slap bracelets because apparently the 80's are back with a vengeance courtesy of the third full-length release from The Phenomenauts. Some may have already written these guys off as a gimmick. Others have put them in guilty pleasure category. Either way you feel, it's undeniable that The Phenomenauts are in a world all their own when it comes to crafting early punk anthems retrofitted with a twist of the blips and bloops that made new wave one of the premier genres of the 80's.
[Read the rest at AbsolutePunk.net]
There's something innocent and endearing about this group of five men who seem less like wannabe rock stars and more like ten-year-olds playing with a refrigerator box that becomes their shuttle to space. In "Man Alone," one of the first songs on the new album, the singer (not sure whether it's Commander Angel Nova or Corporal JoeBot 2.0) shouts "we should have a mission / we should have a purpose." The Phenomenauts have found theirs, blast out the rock and roll tunes, put on a great show, make the kids dance, and have fun doing it.
[Read the rest at Treble.com]
Minding the gap between the aggro Cal punk that dominates the Warped Tour and the avant-psych pop that's justly favored in their hometown of San Francisco, this outfit proffers a thoroughly endearing summertide blend. A scattering of bizarro sci-fi effects somehow only adds to the logic.
[Read the rest at CNET]